Delstar offers an extensive line of on-site ("in-situ") services. Our experienced and qualified mobile technicians know how to get the job done right. From complete vessel refinishing to in-line passivation and chemical cleaning, Delstar provides unmatched quality and service.
Our Services Include:
- Complete on-site mechanical polishing and vessel refinishing.
- Complete on-site electropolishing for product release and high-purity electropolished surfaces.
- Surface finishes down to 2 Ra, which will meet or exceed even the most demanding pharmaceutical, nuclear or semiconductor standards.
- Complete on-site passivating and chemical cleaning. Caustic acid or citric acid cleaning. Citric acid or nitric acid passivating of equipment and re-circulating systems such as DI water closed loop systems, Clean-in-place systems (CIP), etc.
- Certified safety training. All of Delstar's mobile technicians are trained locally and at your facility if required.
- Certified chemical and waste management training.
- Flexible scheduling to meet your job requirements.